Twin blogs

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Which license for ATOR?

Sometime we receive emails from people asking if it is possible to cite ATOR post in other publications. Of course we like to share our post freely, so we chose a Creative Commons license. Actually we are using a CC-BY-NC-SA, because we wanted that informations from ATOR remain freely accessible, but now we notice that the conditions NC (Non Commercial) and SA (Share Alike) can be a problem, because in most cases they prevent the publication in the standard paper edition. For this reason we are evaluating the use of a simple CC-BY, which will allow to cite ATOR in a more easy way.
But before to change we would like to know your opinion about it, so we create the poll you see in this page on the right. Please let us know your preference!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

ArcheOS on github

Hi all,
we are migrating the ArcheOS project on github. Everybody who is interested in ArcheOS development will find more informations in this site. Every kind of help is appreciated, from software suggestion to bug reporting; from artwork to packaging, etc...  
Thank you all for your support!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

ArcheOS and UAVP for archaeological remote sensing

Hi all,
Finally I uploaded the presentation we did in the CAA Southampton 2012. Until our website is down (for maintenance), you can see it here. Inside you can find more details about the aerial archaeology project we mentioned in the post Xcopter drone and SfM techniques.
Here you can see the first slide, in the new Arc-Team theme I did playing with beamer, LaTeX :).

As you see the license is the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0), which we are planning to adopt soon also for ATOR to facilitate content sharing.

2016-03-31 Update

Thanks to self-archiving I can now add the bibliography related with this post:

 ResearchGate: Articl

Academia: Article

I hope it will be useful, even if no more up to date it can be a starting point to work in Aerial Archeology with Open Software and Hardware.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

ArcheoFOSS 2012, Rome 12-13 June

The adventure of ArcheoFOSS is going on and the next stop is in Rome. The workshop will be held on 12 and 13 June 2012, at the headquarters of the Roman National Museum of Palazzo Massimo alle Terme. The official website is here: If you want there is still time to submit an abstract  (until April 6)!
Below you can see the official logo, design by Paolo Cignoni in 2009.

This year we reach the seventh edition of this event! Not bad for a workshop that was designed in a cafe in Vienna (2005).