Twin blogs

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Could open photogrammetry be an alternative to 3D Orthodontics?

CĂ­cero Moraes
3D designer

Graziane Olimpo
SD, Master in Orthodontics

The effectiveness of scans by intraoral scanners is undeniable. These are the gold standard and reference of any professional who wishes to use the new 3D technologies for planning procedures involving orthodontics. However, while these technologies meet the needs of the market, they also stand out because of the high costs. Few professionals, taking into account the whole, have access to these means in a constant and unrestricted way.

The purpose of this material is to offer an affordable alternative to those who want to enter the world of 3D graphics, but do not have the means to enjoy powerful and expensive machines.

The objective is not to criticize the values, since, in the face of the investments and the results are quite coherent, in addition the world is very big and has place for all. What we are doing is just showing a way to achieve compatible results, with due limitations, on those produced by market references.

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Saturday, 6 January 2018

General Protocol for Face Scanning applied to Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty Virtual Planning - Comparison between Tools

Open source software can be used from the beginning to the end of orthognathic surgical planning and rhinoplasty?

Do open photogrammetry tools provide results compatible or at least close to paid and closed software?

These and other questions will be answered throughout the vast documentation made by us. In it we scanned 106 face models and compared a series of programs and tools.

It was many days of intense work and at the end we put another photogrammetry solution for Blender through our OrtogOnBlender addon.

We hope you enjoy reading!

We embed the document at the bottom, but if you have some problem to see it, please enter this direct link:

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Lake Monticello eploration open data: 3D bathymetric chart

Hi all,
this second, brief post is intended to share other open data regarding our underwater archaeology mission in the inland waters of Trentino (Italy). 
As you know, this summer, we joined the exploration of the lake Monticello (almost 2600 m asl, near Paradiso Pass), looking for evidences of the WW1 in the Adamello front. If you missed the post, I described here the new methodology we used to achieve a complete 3D bathymetric chart, using just a low-cost sonar sensor. Today I just uploaded on our server the 3D data, so that other researchers can use them, if they will find them of some interest.
Here below I post a screenshot of the data loaded within +QGIS:

The bathymetric chart of Lake Monticello

Here is possible to download the 3d bathymetric chart of Lake Monticello. As always the data are available with the following license:

Creative Commons License
Lake Monticello 3D bathymetric chart by Arc-Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

I hope this data will be useful. Have a nice day!