Twin blogs

Friday, 31 January 2020

3D printing of the Roman cadastral tablet of Corte Sgarzerie (Verona)

Hello everybody,
this short post is to share the presentation we did yesterday in the "Accademia di Agricoltura, Scienze e Lettere" of Verona. This presentation is part of a bigger project in which we were involved by the Cultural Association Archeonaute.
Basically we have been hired to enhance two archaeological sites in Verona: the Roman Villa of Valdonega and the ancient Capitolium, which is now under the medieval Corte Sgarzerie. I will write later about the whole project, since the presentation of yesterday was focused on a single phase of our work: the 3D reproduction of an unique archaeological find, the so-called "Catasto A" (a Roman cadastrial bronze tablet).
Here below is the video, I hope it can be useful for someone. Have a nice day!

The video by now is just in Italian, but if someone want to help us in adding English subtitles, I let this possibility on YouTube.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

360-degree video for speleoarchaeological explorations

Hello everybody,
this fast post is to public a preliminary test we performed with a 360-degree video, during the second speleoarchaeological exploration of the natural cave called "Bus dela Spia" (here the report of our first mission).
Personally I think that 360-degree photos and video have good potential to enhance the tourist fruition of "Hidden Cultural and Natural Heritage", granting an accessibility based on VR and WebVR applications to a wider public. 
We will go on in performing new test with this technology (also with better resolution) in "extreme" archaeological contests. I hope we will write some feedback soon, in the meantime, here is the video:

Have a nice day!

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Archaeological Project Manager, code online

Hello everyone,
this fast post is to notify you that finally we upload some code of the Archaeological Project Manager we are developing thanks to our friend Andres Reyes (expert in NLP and Virtual Assistants). The current prototype is build on top of Amazon Alexa and you can find more info in the post I wrote some weeks ago. If you want to help us with the project or see the code, here is the direct link to GitLab.

The source code of APM (on GitLab)
Sorry for the delay, but in these weeks we are all very busy. Hopefully we will upload soon some updates. Stay tuned and have a nice day!