Twin blogs

Monday 27 February 2012

Salasaga, for ArcheOS videotutorial

I finally found a good FLOSS to do videotutorial for ArcheOS in flash. It is called Salasaga and it works fine. It has more or less the same functionality of Wink, which gave me some problems under GNU/Linux. By the way Wink is a nice software, but being a simply a freeware, we cannot redistribute it in ArcheOS and, most important, the source code is not accessible. 
I tried a little Salasaga to do a first videotutorial, which I posted here (in the DADP wiki). I think it will be a good resource for ArcheOS Theodoric (hoping in some feedbacks from the community in order to produce a set of videotutorial to spread knowledge in using FLOSS for archaeology). 
Here you can see a screenshot of this software at work:

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