Twin blogs

Saturday 27 July 2013

Happy birthday ATOR! Two years of Open Research

The 27th of July is the "birthday" of ATOR and like last year in this day I would like to share some statistics about the progress of this experiment.
In one year, the number of active authors has increased from 6 to 13, while the posts reached the quote of 160 (79 last year). The reactions of the community led to 271 comments (96 of which were written in 2012). Currently (19:16 pm) the number of visualizations is 109447 (48899 visits since the activation of the Revolver Maps plugin) and we have 37 new members which, added to the 25 persons of 2012, bring the total number to 61 people.
As you see in the image below the main celebration for 2013 is the achievement of 100000 visits.

This short post is intended as a thanks for all the people composing the community of ATOR, readers and authors as well. 

Thank you for your posts, feedbacks and support! 

Your help was very important in improving and speeding up the research presented in this blog. Thanks to you we reached results which, initially, were not foreseen and in some cases ATOR gave birth to new methodologies that have become rapidly very popular in the scientific community . 
We hope to keep this trend also in the next year and to maintain an high quality level in the field of Open Research!

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