Twin blogs

Sunday 15 February 2015

CloudCompare on Debian Wheezy by pinning from ArcheOS5 Theodoric

CloudCompare is a 3D point cloud processing software. It's deb is already packed for ArcheOS 5 Theodoric, under development on . To install on Debian Wheezy (7.8), just add theodoric's repo:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
then add this lines and save (ctrl+o, then ctrl+x):
#Archeos5 Theodoric deb theodoric main contrib non-free
To validate gpg's keys, write :
gpg --keyserver --recv-key 5AC5D028 gpg -a --export 5AC5D028 | sudo apt-key add -
and update source.list by:

sudo apt-get update
now you can able to install any software from theodoric's repo,  just pinning by "sudo apt-get install -t theodoric packet-name", let me show you an example that installs CloudCompare:
 sudo apt-get install -t theodoric cloudcompare

that's all.

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