Twin blogs

Thursday, 26 January 2012

ArcTeamFindings (Android app)

Hi all,
today I post a message from our friend Szabolcs Köllö, who is developing an application for android which will make our field-work easier and more accurate.
Here is the message:

"Welcome to the first video of the ArcTeamFindings Android app. This app has the purpose of handling findpoint data on an excavation and store the data on a LAMP-Server. The App is in pre-alpha status and under heavily development."

... and here is a preview video:

I am looking forward to use it... duplication of layers or finds codes is a pretty disappointing error during an archaeological excavation :) 


  1. Ciao Luca, thank you for posting this for me. Soon is a new video available!

  2. I think Android apps for field archaeology are an important step. Presently Android tablets aren't so powerful as tablet pc, but are much more cheap, light and more than powerful to run software used in archaeology.
    We need apps for archaeological management, Data Base, photogrammetry and surveying. Fortunately in GIS we already have a good choice of software for Android.

    I'm dreaming, but a light version of ArcheOS for Android would also be fantastic.


    1. Hi ricardo,
      by now we go on keeping GIS stuff on real work-stations (for the field we have a rugged pc), but we hope that this application will help us to fill all the database related information directly on the excavation (an keep order in data acquisition and management, also with many archaeologists working together...).
      Anyway we will always keep an eye also on the work of Andrea Antonello and Hydrologis ( for GIS field-applications for smartphone and tablet pc. Hope to have good news soon...

    2. I do not know if you know the QGIS project for android? I think it might be interesting in the context of field work with the android tablets.

  3. Hi Gunther,
    thank you for the link. I will check it ASAP. It looks very interesting!

  4. Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting.
    I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow.

    Android App Development

    1. Hi,
      thank you. I will take a look ASAP.

  5. I have got the good information about this app from this blog that is very awesome app for Android smartphone.I like the purpose of this app which is very useful for all Android user so thanks for sharing this information.
