Twin blogs

Saturday, 3 March 2012

gvSIG 3D with SfM data

Just a fast post to confirm that it is possible to import SfM data in gvSIG 3D, like  I supposed wednesday.
I tried again with data from Arc-Team's excavation of St. Andrea's church in Storo (TN, Italy): in the image you see the documentation of "tomba 2" ("grave 2"), done with Structure from Motion techniques (Python Photogrammetry Toolbox). I elaborated the pointcloud in Meshlab, obtaining a textured mesh. Then I upload the file in gvSIG 3D. 
Finally we have a fast way to import 3D documentation (PPT and Meshlab) and reconstruction (Blender) inside a GIS (gvSIG)! 


  1. Congratulations for the advance. This is a big step to totally 3D archaeological records.

    I only don't understand if it's possible - after importation - to scale and perform accurate geographic alignment, using gvSIG 3D tools.


    1. Hi,
      during the workshop Workshop "LOW COST 3D: sensori, algoritmi e applicazioni" (Trento 08/03/2012) I had the opportunity to speak with Matteo Dellepiane (MeshLab) about "georeferencing" of 3D mesh for archaeological excavations. Matteo told me that they use more or less the same method we chose; they just use Blender instead of FreeCAD to build the 3D Ground Control Points model. So I guess this way is quite good... I will write a post about it to explain how to do, if you are interested in it.

  2. Hi Ricardo,
    it is possible to scale and perform geographic alignment within gvSIG 3D, directly working on the imported model (with the tool you see activated in the screenshot of the post of Wednesday). But in this way you do not get enough accuracy. By now I had no time to look for better tools inside gvSIG 3D, but normally I georeference before the model in MeshLab; in this way there is no need to scale and perform the alignment in gvSIG (I just have to verify that the measurements remains correct, but I will do as soon as possible).
    If you find a good way to georeference the model directly in gvSIG, please let me know! :)

  3. Very wonderful! As always: great works Arc-Team!
    A strong hug and see you soon!

  4. Hi Luca and Ricardo,

    I am a developer of gvSIG 3D team First of all thank you for testing and use gvSIG 3D in your amazing work :).

    About importing models with accuracy you can make use of the import dialog, where you can scale rotate a place your model at a given latitude, longitude and height.



    1. Hi Jordi,
      thank you very much for the advice and many compliments for your work in gvSIG! I will try to do like you suggest as soon as possible!

  5. By the way, I encourage you to use gvSIG 1.11 with the final version of 3D extension (codename Bladerunner). It has many bug fixes and improvements.


    1. Thank you again,
      we will have to consider very carefully which version of gvSIG we will package for ArcheOS 5, so any suggestion is really appreciated!
