Saturday, 12 May 2012

ArcheOS OpenLAB at ArcheoFOSS

As I wrote in a previous post, ArcheoFOSS workshop will be held in Rome this year. The organizing committee is preparing an "OpenLAB" session in which is planned also an introduction to ArcheOS. The session will be Monday, June 11 and should last a couple of hours.
Since the time is short for a detailed presentation of ArcheOS (it would take at least 2 or 3 days...) I would like to focus on the most interesting topics for the participants, so I ask your help: if you are in Rome between 11 and 13 June and you want to join ArcheOS OpenLAB, please let me know which kind of arguments you would like to learn more. If you do not know very much about the system, just surf in this blog and read some posts; most of them are related with ArcheOS. You can also check ArcheOS official website, look the screenshots and get an idea about its potentialities and about all the archaeological software.
To let me know what are your main interests simply leave a comment to this post (please mind that the time is short and I would like at least to show a general overview of the system and to spare some minutes to show a preview for the next release).
Thanks in advance!


The photo below shows the last basic course of ArcheOS we did in Livelet archaeological park.


  1. Hi,
    thank you very much for this opportunity! I am not yet sure I can come in Rome for ArcheoFOSS, but I would like to learn more about 3D archaeological documentation.

  2. Hi Adriano,
    thanks for the suggestion!
    I report here part of the email I received from Daniele Mittica, who also suggest me 3D documentation and GIS:

    "... Per quanto mi riguarda io sono interessato a tutti gli applicativi presenti in ArcheOS; credo, comunque, che gli argomenti relativi al GIS, al rilievo 3D, alle applicazioni fotogrammetriche siano tra quelle maggiormente utili da affrontare e di cui prendere visione (senza nulla togliere alle restanti applicazioni...), considerando il tempo a disposizione durante il laboratorio.

    Spero di averle dato un qualche spunto in tal senso, e la ringrazio nuovamente per la sua disponibilità!

    Buona giornata!!"

    1. Hi again,
      I would like to suggest another topic (if possible). I am also interested in this post:
      Sorry for the stupid question: is this "methodology" related with ArcheOS?

  3. Hi Adriano,
    yes, this topic is also related with ArcheOS. The software to use are GIMP, e-foto, stippler and Inkscape. would be an interesting argument for a tutorial!

  4. Ciao Luca,

    saro' presente anch'io, come spettatore, ad ArcheoFOSS.

    E' necessaria un'iscizione ? Puoi inviarmi il link ?




    1. hi BobMax.
      I quit the scientific Committee of ArcheoFOSS in 2010, so I do not know very much about the organization this year (I just help them with the tutorial about ArcheOS...). Anyway, surfing on the net, I found this link (I guess it is the right one):

  5. And here are the suggestions of Gabriele Ciccone:

    "alcune riflessioni su gli argomenti per lab di archeos che, secondo me, andrebbero approfonditi :
    - sicuramente i vari usi del pacchetto e-foto
    - l'impostazione di un buon database gestionale per attività di scavo/lavoro di schedatura con i software specifici
    - il disegno archeologico automatizzato
    - per quanto riguarda il 3D penso che, senza sovrapporsi al corso specifico su Blender, l'utilizzo di PPT rischia di portare via troppo tempo per vedere un buon risultato ( e comunque sulla questione c'è già l'ottimo video tutorial su ); detto ciò non nego che siano argomenti utili da approfondire

    spero di essere stato utile.

    Gabriele C."


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