Twin blogs

Friday, 29 June 2012

New QGIS videotutorial

Hi all,
I uploaded a new videotutorial about georeferencing a single picture using the QGIS' Georeferencer Tool. It is a very fast and accurate method, but if you need to create a photomosaics (more than one picture) with a good color equalization, it is better to work with the "Metodo Aramus" (GRASS, e-foto, GIMP).
The videotutorial is linked here, on the Digital Archaeological documentation Project.

Have fun!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

New OpenJUMP videotutorial

today I did a new videotutorial to show one of the potentialities of the raster plugin in OpenJUMP: the possibility to save an area of interest inside a georeferenced photomosaic as a new raster layer. This option allows user to optimize their photomosaics, sparing time and megabytes, keeping the same resolution.
This is just one of the extension you will find in the OpenJUMP package for ArcheOS 4.

The videotutorial has been uploaded in the Digital Archaeological Documentation Project, and can be found here

Friday, 22 June 2012

Openjump 1.5.2

Hi all,
i'm upgrading the Openjump ArcheOS-deb-package. I will upload the new file as soon as possible, after an hard test on different computers. I'm working with the new version since a couple of weeks and found some new functionalities that are very useful:

1) Copy and paste SCHEMA (picture below).

2) Export style as SDL file.

3) Measure a line or an area and create a new layer with the value (picture below).

The new version is more clear and all the extensions are better integrated. I add the old raster plugin because   it give the possibility to cut a photomosaic using a square selection (Fence) and to save the result as tif/tfw. The picture below show the procedure.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Luzia Woman - The oldest human skull of the Americas

Second the Wikipedia: Luzia Woman is the name for the skeleton of a Paleo-Indian woman found in a cave in Brazil, South America. Some archaeologists believe the young woman may have been part of the first wave of immigrants to South America. Nicknamed Luzia (her name pays homage to the famous African fossil "Lucy", who lived 3.2 million years ago), the 11,500 year-old skeleton was found in Lapa Vermelha, Brazil, in 1975 by archaeologist Annette Laming-Emperaire.


It was used the classical bust for re-make the face in 3D.

The novelty of project is that SfM was used like reference to modelling the face.

A Youtube video was choosed to be reconstructed.

The image above shows the process of modelling.

After the head was modelled, is the time to texture it.

And finally render the result, with some facial expressions.

I hope you enjoy.

A big hug!