Twin blogs

Friday, 29 June 2012

New QGIS videotutorial

Hi all,
I uploaded a new videotutorial about georeferencing a single picture using the QGIS' Georeferencer Tool. It is a very fast and accurate method, but if you need to create a photomosaics (more than one picture) with a good color equalization, it is better to work with the "Metodo Aramus" (GRASS, e-foto, GIMP).
The videotutorial is linked here, on the Digital Archaeological documentation Project.

Have fun!


  1. Video tutorial molto interessante.

    Ora sono in grado di fare in QGis tutto il lavoro (senza dover passare per altri software...)

    Grazie !


  2. That's nice!
    At the beginnign we trid to write tutorials, but they were very long to do. Videotutorial seems to be faster to do and better to learn. And Salasaga is a very good open source software for videotutorial :).
