Twin blogs

Monday, 8 October 2012

Kinect 3D indoor: excavation test

To complete the "Kinect trilogy", today I write this post about our first test during a real archaeological fieldwork. 
Also in this case we (Alessandro Bezzi and me) used our "hacked Kinect" with the external battery in connection with the rugged PC and, again, the chosen software for data acquisition was RGBDemo. This time we documented in 3D a layer during an "indoor" excavation, to avoid the problems with direct sunlight I descirbed in this post.
The video below tries to summarize this operation...

... and here are some screenshots to have an idea of the final result:

The pointcloud (frontal view)

The pointcloud (side view)

The mesh

The mesh (wireframe)

As you can see the general quality is lower respect the results we can obtain with other techniques (e.g. SfM and IBM), but Kinect and RGBDemo have the benefit to acquire and elaborate the data almost at the same moment, with the possibility to see the documentation process in real time. 
Ultimately Kinect is one more option to consider for 3D indoor documentation, considering the peculiarities of the archaeological project (the light conditions, the available time, the required level of detail, etc...). Our experiments will now go on now with some tests in particoular situations, where this technique could be the best option (expecially in underground environments).
Have a nice day!


  1. Thanks for the Kinect trilogy posts. That apparatus is surely a good companion to SFM, because SFM fails exactly in low light conditions. For cave/tunnel survey that kind of accuracy is more than enough, specially when you consider that the best following option is a expensive laser scanner.


  2. The realtime result is impressive! Thank you for the post and the video.

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