Twin blogs

Friday, 2 November 2012

Taung Project: Facial forensic reconstruction 2D – studying for 3D modeling.

In the previous post we showed the process of modeling missing parts of the Taung child skull.
To draw the face was used Inkscape, a vector software, and Gimp, a image editor, both free software

To draw the face was used Inkscape, a vector software, and Gimp, a image editor, both free software.

Before we start working, it is important to study the face of primates and human beings, since the Australopithecus africanus appear more ape than human, however in the case of humans, the documentation of their anatomy is far better documented.

Once the skull was completed it was ready to be rendered.

In order o use an image in a 2D reconstruction process, we need to render with an orthogonal camera.

Now is the time to open Inkscape and start the reconstruction, placing the eyeball. Note that some reference images are placed inside the document. These will help during the drawing process.
Now the muscles are to be placed, iniciating with back (temporalis and masseter muscles).

We continue with the muscles in the front of the face (orbicularis oris, buccinator, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, zygomaticus minor and zygomaticus major).At this step, it is very important to have a good knowledge of human anatomy, in order to make muscles match the skull.

The last is the orbicularis oculi muscles. Note that have an image in right side. You can see a good article with anatomical description of a chimpanzee here.

Finished the muscles, it's time to make the eyes. 

And draw the nose and the expressions.

Put the ears using the reference pictures of juvenile apes.
It's a good idea to hide some parts of the face, in order to see if the structure is OK.

Finished the face, now is the time to put on some hair. Since this is a fast test, the hair is chosen to be fairly 'gross', giving less work.

One last view of the structure.

And the vector drawing is finished.

The vector is exported as an image and handled on to Gimp, in order to add some effects that ressembles a painting.

And to finish all the work, the classical cut image with the skull and the face reconstructed.

You can download the vectorial file HERE.

The next step will be the reconstruction in 3D of the face. I wait you there.

A big hug!

PS.: Thanks to FAR, that help me with the English.

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