Twin blogs

Thursday, 7 March 2013

New tutorial in the Mesh Editing session of DADP

Hi all,
after my teaching in the Master Open Téchne 2013 about Computer Vision (SfM and IBM), i'm updating the Mesh Editing session (english page) inside the Digital Archaeological Documentation Project.

Up to now I inserted four videotutorials:

how to create a poisson mesh inside MeshLab

how to georeference a point cloud in CloudCompare using a Cartesian coordinates system

how to erase not useful points inside CloudCompare

MeshLab: difference between vertex color, raster color and texture 

how to import Bundler's camera positions inside MeshLab

i hope this is useful :)


  1. Hi!

    Thanks for the nice tutorials!
    i was wondering if it is possible to georeference a pointcloud/mesh with cloud compare using geographic coordinates derived from gps or total station measurements?

    thanks in advance for your help!

  2. Hi,
    Alessandro is working on other videotutorial for the DADP project; one will be about the georeferentiation in Cloud Compare, using coordinates from the total station and the other one will be about georeferecning with GRASS 7.0 svn (using real geographic projection).

  3. I'm really looking forward to these new tutorials!
    keep up the good work guys!
