Twin blogs

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

ArcheoFOSS 2013, deadline extension

If I give a coin to you and you give me a coin, each of us will have a coin, but if I give an idea to you and you give me an idea, than each of us will have two ideas.
(Chinese proverb)

Hi all,
the deadline for ArcheoFOSS workshop 2013 (open source, free software and open format in archaeological research processes) has been extended (if you do not know this meeting, see this previous post).
It is possible to submit paper proposal until April 15th, while suggestions for special sessions will be accepted till the 5th of the same month.
The main topics for the workshop 2013 will be:

  • Methods and experiences of collaboration between different organizations and institutions in the field of cultural heritage, involving the use and the development of open source, free software and open format.
  • Methods and experience using open source, open data, free software and open format in archeology and ICT.
  • Methods, experiences and development of technological tools during open collaborations between multidisciplinary research areas (humanities and science) in the field cultural heritage.
  • Contributions on the state of the art and proposals for regulations and laws, relating to the management and sharing of cultural heritage in order to support free communication, accessibility and enjoyment.
  • Teaching and sharing archaeological methodologies using FLOSS.
The workshop will take place in Catania (Sicily) on 18 and 19 June. As it happened with the previous event, it will be an excellent opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas, knowledge and technology in the field of open archeology.

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