Twin blogs

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Course Introduction to Forensic Facial Reconstruction with Free Software

Since I started my research in the field of forensic facial reconstruction and published the first results, some people asked me to come up with a course.

Initially, cases lacked know-how to securely develop a methodology of my own, but that was taken care of naturally with the dozens of reconstructions performed within almost two years of study.

Later another problem showed up, the lack of a partnership with institutional affiliation and technical background. Fortunately this was also solved with numerous collaborators and partnerships with some institutions. Specifically for this course I started a teamwork with Dr. Paulo Miamoto, PhD student in Forensic Dentistry in one of Brazil's most famous university, the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Sao Paulo (FO-USP).

The initial project is to offer students a course of 32 hours, divided into two modules of 16 hours, distributed in two classes of 8 hours each. This is an adequate structure for the syllabus to be covered in two weekends.

Course Introduction to Forensic Facial Reconstruction with free software

Please, activate subtitle in English


- Prof. Cícero Moraes (3D designer, specialized in Forensic Facial Reconstruction)

- Prof. Paulo Eduardo Miamoto Dias (Dentist, MDS, Specialist in Forensic Dentistry, and PhD student at USP - São Paulo)

Course Objective:

Provide aspirants introductory training in facial reconstruction routines. Target students: dental students and professionals interested in Forensic Sciences, Forensic Dentistry, Forensic Anthropology, professionals such as forensic experts, researchers, specialists in Forensic Dentistry, Archaeologists and other professionals in related fields.

Methodology: Lectures, demonstrative and practical classes.


- History of Forensic Facial Reconstruction

- Forensic Dentistry and Forensic Facial Reconstruction

- Ethical and legal aspects in Forensic Facial Reconstruction

- Research in Forensic Facial Reconstruction

- Photographic Technique for photogrammetry

- Converting a cloud of points in a 3D mesh with texture

- Rebuilding CT scans into 3D objects

- Editing and cleaning large 3D files

- Introduction to Blender and 3D computer graphics

- Manipulating objects in 3D space

- Adding color to objects

- How to light a scene and generate files

- Modifiers in Blender, what are they and how they work

- Inserting, combing and cutting hair virtually

- Rudiments of digital painting and texturing

- Introduction to the methodology of rapid forensic facial reconstruction

- Working with templates for rapid facial reconstruction

- Comparison between 3D meshes

- Studying a case of reconstruction in practice

Information on locations and dates coming soon.

More information by e-mail:

Translation: Dr. Paulo Miamoto

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