Saturday 26 December 2015

ArcheOS Hypatia 3DHOP package (call for testing)

This short post is related with the previous one (about Nexus) and it is a call for testing for the deb binary package (arm64) of 3DHOP, the software developed by the Visual Computing Lab (CNR-ISTI, Pisa - Italy) to create interactive and multi-resolution web-galleries of 3D objects.
Here below you can see just an example of a gallery related with conflict archeology (WW 1), which we are developing in these days.

Example of a 3D web-gallery with 3DHOP (work in progress)

Being a Debian Jessie derivative distro, ArcheOS Hypatia will install 3DHOP in the folder /var/www/html/3dhop-3.0.
The best way to practice with this software is to modify the code of the different examples the package comes with (they are placed in /var/www/html/3dhop-3.0/examples).
For people that wants to help ArcheOS development and test this package, I upload it here. Soon we will prepare also 32-bit packages.

I hope this package will be useful! Merry Christmas and Happy new year!


Marco Callieri (Visual Computing Lab - CNR-ISTI) notified me that Nexus and 3DHOP are under development right in these days, so there will be probably a new version in a short time. As soon as there will be changes, I will update the packages with the new functionalities.

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