Thursday 27 April 2017

ArcheOS Hypatia and Archeorobotics: ROS for 3D dynamic documentations

Dynamic 3D documentation is a technique we are using more and more in professional archaeology. It can be useful to map in a very fast way any kind of earth-moving work during negative archaeological controls (from wide open area to small trenches, like we did here) or to record in real-time archaeological evidences and layers during a normal excavation (like the video below).

Using this methodology during an ordinary project allows us to perform the segmentation of the 3D model directly on the field (within the software Cloud Compare), dividing each layer of palimpsestic documentation (we spoke about this problem during our presentation at the CHNT conference 2016). This solution avoid long post-processing operations, and it is ideal to spare time and money in low-budget archaeological investigations. For this reason we are evaluating the possibility to insert ROS (Robot Operating System) in ArcheOS Hypatia.
I hope to give you soon good news about the release of the next version of ArcheOS. In the meantime stay tuned to follow our research in testing new Open Source and Free Software. Like always, if you want to help in the development, just contact us in one of our channels: FaceBook, YouTube or Blogger
Have a nice day! 

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