Monday 26 November 2012

ArcheOS 4 software list

Hi all,
to answer Salvatore Schimenti's question on ArcheOS FaceBook page, I report here the complete software list of version 4.0 (codename Caesar). Soon, with a series of short post, I will also try to describe the main archaeological applications of each software. The list is also available on github ArcheOS wiki.

ArcheOS v.4 (Caesar) software list

CAD QCAD Professional 2D CAD system
CAD FreeCAD Extensible Open Source 3D CAx program
DB pgadmin3 Database design and management application (for PostgreSQL)
DB phpPgAdmin Web-based administration tool (for PostgreSQL)
DB pgDesigner Datamodel designer (for PostgreSQL)
DB PostgreSQL Object-relational SQL database
DB PostGIS Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL
DB sqlite3 Embeddable SQL Database
DB SQLite Data Browser Visual tool used to create, design and edit database files (for SQLite)
DB spatialite Extension to support spatial data (for SQLite)
DB spatialite-gui User friendly GUI (for SQLite)
DB spatialite-gis minimalistic GIS tool built on the top of SpatiaLite
DB Tellico Collection manager for books, videos, music
Dendrochronology Corina Dendrochronology program
GIS GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
GIS OpenJump GIS written in the Java
GIS SAGA System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
GIS QGIS Powerful and user friendly GIS
GIS uDig user-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
GIS gvSIG Tool to manage geographic informations
GPS GpsDrive Car navigation system
GPS GPSBabel Software for GPS data conversion and transfer
Graphics (3D) Blender Fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer
Graphics (3D) MakeHuman Software to model 3-D humanoid characters
Graphics (3D) Virtual Terrain Project Software to develop 3D digital form. CAD, GIS, visual simulation, surveying and remote sensing, etc...
Graphics (3D) WhiteDune Graphical VRML97 viewer, editor, 3D modeler and animation tool
Graphics (raster) GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program
Graphics (raster) GwenView Image viewer for KDE 4
Graphics (vector) Alchemy Drawing program for hand-made sketch
Graphics (vector) Inkscape Vector-based drawing program
Graphics (vector) Stippler Stippling software for non-photorealistic shading
Graphics (voxel) ParaView Multi-platform data analysis and visualization application
Internet Icedove Unbranded Thunderbird mail client
Internet Kompozer WYSIWYG web page editing
Laserscan MeshLab System for processing and editing triangular meshes
Office Scribus Professional layout and publishing software
Office OpenOffice Office software suite
Office Texmaker Cross-platform LaTeX editor
Office texlive-fonts-extra Tex package for extra fonts
Office JabRef Bibliography reference manager for BibTex
Photogrammetry stereo Software to extract 3D objects or surfaces within stereo photographs or images
Photogrammetry e-foto Digital photogrammetric workstation
Single View Reconstruction jSVR Single view reconstruction software in Java
Statistics R Statistical computation and graphics system
SfM-IBM Bundler Structure from Motion software for Unordered Image Collections
SfM-IBM CMVS Software to speed up SfM-IBM procedures (with clustering)
SfM-IBM PMVS2 Multi-view stereo software to reconstruct 3D scenes
SfM-IBM PPT Python Photogrammetry Toolbox: a tool to chain i a single sequence Bundler, CMVS and PMVS2
Total Station Total Open Station Software for downloading and processing data from total station devices
Virtual globe Marble Virtual Globe and World Atlas
WebGIS GeoServer Software to share and edit geospatial data
WebGIS JOSM Editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM) written in Java
WebGIS MapServer Software platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web
WebGIS pmapper Framework to setup a MapServer application based on PHP/MapScript

ArcheOS logo


  1. When you mentioned Alchemy - Drawing program for hand-made sketch, are we talking about:

    or other different software?

    MyPaint is also a good choice for illustration artists. It provides good graphic pen support and many different brushes (charcoal, watercolor, and others)

    Jerzy Sikora (aka Gunther) also tied it, apparently with good results:


    1. Hi Ricardo,
      yes I was meaning exactly especially for sketch oriented to 3D reconstructions (with Blender).
      I did not know MyPaint. I just downloaded it and I will do some tests. It looks a good software, could be useful in 2d archaeological drawing. Did you already use it in archeology?

  2. I only used MyPaint to retouch some drawings and also to color some plans, always with good results. The program provide a large collection of brushes simulating different types of ink pens, charcoal, pastel, watercolor and many others. In some way you can face it like a GIMP expansion, because GIMP stamp creation isn't one of the software strongest points. rgaidao.

  3. Luca,

    You forget VTerrain in the list.


  4. You're right Roberto, I will correct it ASAP!


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