Tuesday 31 May 2016

OpenJUMP GIS: from a local (cartesyan) system to a projeced coordinate system

Sometimes we are asked why (after 11 years) we still keep OpenJUMP in ArcheOS, since QGIS became such a functional GIS  and could cover all the feature of the other similar software. The main reason for such a choice are two:

1. QGIS developed very fast and can happen that some tools are still buggy when released (like for the newest georeferencer version)

2. the software (Polygontool) our friend +Szabolcs Köllö (aka Keulemaster) developed for us, in order to handle big data in archaeological surveys, is strictly connected with OpenJUMP


Today I just finished to package for (ArcheOS Hypatia) the last version of this GIS (OpenJUMP 1.9.1) and to upload it in our experimental repository (soon we share it), so I prepared a new videotutorial to illustrate one of the operation in which OpenJUMP is still useful, since the similar tool of QGIS are sometimes buggy: the recovering of old excavation data from a local (cartesian) coordinate system to a projected coordinate system (e.g. in the videotutorial, ETRS89 / UTM zone 32 N).

I hope this can be useful. Have a nice day!

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