we are testing the powerful software MicMac and Apero. The calculation is really fast and the result is amazing. We hope to integrate in ArcheOS as soon as possible.

We tried with the example data (picture below). The next step will be to use our pictures.

My French is awful and I couldn't follow the technical paper on their website that's in English. My apologies. What does this software do? The best I can determine is that this is a technique to reconstruct geometry from stereoscopic images. Something like structure from motion?
ReplyDeleteOh, and is the arc-team website down for maintenance? The link to PPT-GUI (http://www.arc-team.com/wiki/doku.php?id=open_software_ppt-gui) is broken.
Deleteyes sorry, we are changing the provider for arc-Team website. You are right, I have to review the old post to see which link are broken... I will (slowly) start now. Thank you for the report (I forgot the problem...).
ReplyDeletethe software is working with SfM and IBM techniques. By now I just did a test with the default data. Yesterday I was in a workshop in Trento (LOW COST 3D: sensori, algoritmi e applicazioni"). There I saw a presentation (Procedure d’orientamento automatico d’immagini - test e valutazioni metriche - S. Del Pizzo, S. Troisi: Università Parthenope, Napoli) in which they compared different SfM/IBM softwares and MicMac - Apero was one of the most accurate. We have to do other test in the future, especially with our data...
I was also wondering - do you think there will be a GUI for this? (Is there one now? I couldn't find one.) Front-ends like PPT-GUI are such a help for people like me who are all thumbs when it comes to the command line.
DeleteIn the project documentation is report:
Delete"Isabelle Clery’s interface can be downloaded on the following link (in fact you get it when you get
micmac data):
I tried to open the GUI, but it is in french. in the option i modified the language to english, but it doesn't work.
Thanks for finding that - I downloaded the Linux64bit.zip. When I run the the file "lanceurInterfaceMicmac" it actually started in English all on its own. Will be trying it out soon. Thanks again.
DeleteOK, now also my Linux32bit version is in english. i had to restart the program. thanks
DeleteAwesome, looking forward to seeing it in ArcheOS and trying it out!
ReplyDeleteVery good software finding. But the installation instructions are confusing. Can anyone help me with the necessary steps to install this software in linux 32? What files are necessary to download and what to do next, to install mic-mac apero and respective graphic interface. Thanks in advance. rgaidao.
ReplyDeleteHi Ricardo,
Deleteyes the software is a little bit difficult to compile. We plan to do a deb package for ArcheOS Theodoric, but it will take some time...
By now we just installed in Ale's laptop... Sonn I will also try to install it in my PC, so i will try to write a short tutorial.
Thanks again Luca
Hello, i have a problem whit interface, I open it in linux 64 bits but interface´s menus (file, compute, view, conversion and help)don´t appear.why?
Deleteactually I did not yet tried the interface. If I will find a little bit of free time I will check it in the next weeks...