Saturday 3 August 2013

jsc3D: javascript for 3D models and scenes in the web

Hi all,
as I promised in this post today I write a short text about a very interesting software named jsc3D. 
This tool provides a 3D viewer to embed objects and scenes on a webpage. The code is Javascript and it is released with the MIT License (more info here). One of the best feature of this software is its intuitiveness, which makes it easy to use also for newbies. Moreover it works with obj file format, a very common and  open "standard" (de facto) for 3D models.
The versatility of the code is another very important peculiarity of this application.
As you see, I can import a simple scene here in blogger (e.g. layer 162 of the excavation of S. Andrea's church, Storo - TN - Italy)...

... while Giuseppe Naponiello (our webgis expert), used jsc3D to integrate a simple 3D viewer in Raptor (the open source webgis Arc-Team is developing for the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali)...

Raptor's 3D extension

... and, again, I integrated this tool also in some presentation I did using the software impress.js, which will be the topic of one of the next post.

Presentation of the Taung Project during the ArcheoFOSS 2013

I hope this short informations about jsc3d will be useful for your projects. Have a nice day!

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